Thursday, January 28, 2016

Empire X + Games Sketches

Below you will find 3 separate pages of multiple sketches for the M2 logo design assignment for a video game company and two corresponding logos for their games. I think there is roughly 20 small sketches. Since we were given the Empire X name I felt immediately drawn to a large "X." due to the lines and shape of the letter. 

I thought the "X" was the dominate part of the name so I wanted it to stand out. Hence the #2 logo and the #1 variations. I do like the implied lines of the #1 sketch. 

 I think that my favorite logo is the smaller "EX" inside the blue circle (#3). It's less obnoxious to me and I tend to really love clean lines and cleaner designs. Less is more, in my opinion. 

The sketch labeled #2 I thought about attempting. If I did this one I would make the "X" have a lower opacity and have block type letters for the "Empire" with a stroke around them. Possibly black type with a white stroke. Or the reverse. I like the contrast of the san serif type of the "Empire" with the serif "X" in the background. 

"Viking Saga" was the first game that I thought up. My boyfriend is working on a comic book about Vikings so this is where that idea came from. The visual of the viking hat is my favorite sketch on this page. I thought that the shape of the "A" was perfect for a hat icon. I don't like the axe visuals so much.

 This game would probably be an RPG set in the world of the Viking Age. You'd probably play as someone named Bjourn who is on a conquest for glory! 

The third set of sketches is for the second game from Empire X titled "Abduction." This one is my favorite. I actually really dig the logo #3 and I think that I would actually want to PLAY this game. 

The "i" represents a human being who is being abducted by a UFO. The lines of the light beam draw your eye to the letter "i." The dot resembles the persons head where as the line of the "i" resembles their body. I would keep all of the text capital letters and have the "i" be the only lowercase letter. It is also sightly lifted up off of the imaginary bottom line, as if the person was being lifted into the space craft. 

In my head, you play as "Sarah" and you awake in a strange contraption inside of an alien spacecraft. You must escape and work your way through the craft that has crash landed on Earth right after you were abducted. (thankfully, otherwise you'd be stranded in space.) along the way you would find "friends" who were also abducted and who caused the crash landing.  

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