Sunday, February 14, 2016

M3 Sketches - Website Design

Home Page / Splash Page - My current website is just a hosted portfolio site for my food and still life photography. But my ideas are always expanding and a lot will need to be added to my current portfolio site. I will do my best to explain all of it below but I somehow need to create ONE cohesive website that encompasses all of me, all that I have to offer and all that I do! I can clearly see how each of my paths or "hats" since I wear many have been woven together and how they all make sense and/or fit together but to the causal observer it might  not be that obvious so I want to use this site to clarify it all for people.  

I am so many things: A baker, a blogger, a recipe developer, a photographer and now I'm a teacher. How do I make one site to illustrate ALL of those things? Well the blogger, baker and recipe developer portion will probably have to stay on Sweet Remedy where I will offer my eCookbooks (I will talk more about this below) but I will also need a way to easily and effectively link and show sweet remedy off on my portfolio website. 

The portfolio website will need to encompass a few things: 
  1. A portfolio for my digital media/video/photography work. 
  2. An e-portfolio for my teaching
  3. A portal to my online courses (a splash page that explains them, a shopping cart to pay for them and a login area to actually work through the courses)
  4. Splash pages and eCommerce for my various ebook and ecookbook ideas
  5. A blog with free tutorials and helpful content for people who might want to take my courses, to help my SEO, to help interested individuals find me, to show I'm an expert...etc. 

My websites are always evolving. As I started teaching digital photography 1 this semester at SUNY Orange I had an idea to recreate it for an online course just in case I ever get asked to do a distance learning course. Then it hit me, why not offer it as a paid e-course. I've taken paid e-courses before and I've loved the experience. I could create the content once, and host it online for people to view who  had purchased the content, this would mean they would have a login portal and would the be able to access the content. I'd build this course around a bunch of other free content such as relevant tutorials on the blog portion of the site. Which desperately needs to be updated with new content and blog posts. It's really hard to do all of this stuff with what is on my plate right now. Just keeping up with school assignments for 4 classes in addition to working two jobs and teaching one class is completely exhausting. I graduate this semester so I know I will  have more time to put this (and the other goals I will mention below) into motion!

While I want to accomplish this goal, I also want to keep my original goals in place as well. I also plan to write, photograph and design an ecookbook and other ebooks on photography. One book would focus on the basics and another would focus on still life and product photography, maybe marketed towards etsy sellers and another would focus on food photography and be marketed towards food bloggers, like myself. 

In addition to all of that, I've been working in the Center for Teaching and Learning at SUNY Orange for about 3 years now. I've somehow fallen into and in love with higher education and after I graduate in May, plan on getting my Masters in emerging technologies for instructional design. I already talked a bit about my online course idea but in addition to that, I'd like to set up an e-portfolio type page to illustrate academic accomplishments.

In short, I want to use this website to:
  1. Sell ebooks and ecourses
  2. Show my academic accomplishments/maybe post student work
  3. Host a portfolio of my photo/video/digital media work for possible editorial/commercial freelance assignments that might come up
  4. Host a blog with resources and tutorials 
  5. Create a community for digital media artists. 

Portfolio Page (Video) - 

Portfolio Page (Photos) - 

 Blog Page -

ECookbook / E Book Splash Page - 

ECourse Splash Page - 

Some other variations/concepts: 

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