Tuesday, February 23, 2016

M3 Final Website

Home page/splash page - I wanted to highlight a few things with this. I wanted to highlight future courses I plan to design for the web as well as highlight free resources I'm creating and the eventual community that will hopefully happen naturally if I actually am able to effectively market myself and these offerings in the way that I hope to. I also wanted to still have a place to showcase my work. 

The photos are not all mine. I grabbed a few from a free stock website. The mug with the fire behind the word portfolio is something that I took. For a real site launch, I would obviously go out and take some new photos just to avoid any potential issues but I thought the stock photos would be fine in this case, as place holders. Plus they were free and 0 under creative commons, no attribution necessary. Now that I am typing this I have some I could probably replace already for the main photo. The photo with the words "Ready to take your photography game to the next level..." would be a rotating slider that would highlight other important things going on, maybe in person work shops or something else I want to offer/show my audience. 

The navigation bar uses type kit font - Bree. I created shapes in illustrator do to this. The social media icons used in the top nav bar and the footer are also from a stock site for icons. 

About Page - I used my current headshots for this page. I think when the new website launches I will change this around a bit to be less about ME and more about my mission and all of that. With a little bit about me at the end. I kept everything more of less the same as the home page navigation wise (footer and nav bars - top and sub) My H1 and H2 headings might be a bit different. I like the caps of them. For fonts I used Proxima Nova from type kit and Museo Slab - 300 from type kit. 

This is the course splash page. I wanted to highlight a few courses here. There are some plugins that would serve as a learning management system I could implement to help me but I am still researching them. The Light Writing course is cut off because that would be a scroll. I'm wondering if I should have left the footer off here and just continued listing classes until I got "to the fold." Obviously the footer would be the last thing seen on the page. I thought of a new class I wanted to develop the other day but I am now left trying to remember what I was thinking. I hate that I didn't write it down! 

Once you click on one of the "Learn More" buttons, this is the page that you would arrive at. It would give you a more in depth explanation as you scroll down of each module of the course and what you would learn. 

Stock photos -  Various sites requiring no attribution found here: https://stocksnap.io/
Web Icons - found here: http://icons.webtoolhub.com

I left my "logo" kind of boring on purpose. I already have one for my portfolio site but I'm not 100% sure if I would keep this site as MY NAME or rename it. Some more interesting type would be beneficial here but I was more concerned with the navigational elements and page layout for this project. 

I used illustrator for this and I saved the files as .ai files but when I saved them as .jpg they got a bit blurry. Anyone know best practices for this? What did I do wrong? Thanks for your feedback and input in advance :) 

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