Monday, March 21, 2016

M5 - Comic Book Sketches - Penny and the Blanket

My dog Penny is a mischievous Husky. She is always doing something to get her in trouble. She has an extreme love for all blankets, especially the ones on my bed. She loves to steal them, curl up on them, dive bomb on them when you try to get her off of it and she realizes what you are doing.... and most of all, tear them apart leaving only fluff and torn up pieces of blanket everywhere. It's honestly become a huge problem because I've had to buy a new blanket almost weekly. I now take the blanket and put it in a closet every time I leave. I wish I was kidding...

So I thought of this story where Penny uses the blanket as a cape and becomes a superhero, protecting our yard. Above is my sketch for the cover of the comic book and below are silly sketches of the elements within the book itself, such as other animals, a house, a car, penny, etc. They are SUPER rough. I'm honestly not that great of a traditional artist so I'm not that excited about this project but I decided to do the comic book because I took an animation course already and I thought this would be more useful, especially putting the pages together in InDesign which I want to learn anyway to create an ebook. :) I also sketched potential layouts of the book itself. 

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